Friday, August 7, 2009

Did you know?

I like to learn something new every day. Yesterdays lesson was that losing limbs is not a genetic trait. **

**for the record I have a 3.7 GPA in nursing school. Bitches.


Lin said...

haha...i read that yesterday. It was so funny!

ShanaM said...

That made me chuckle

Samsmama said...

Still so funny! If it makes you feel any better, I remarked at dinner tonight how oddly shaped our coasters were. Then it was brought to my attention that it was in the shape of one of the 50 states. That I've lived in my whole life.

Erin Jeannine said...

I, too, have a 3.7 GPA, and my husband is always telling me I'm the dumbest smart person he knows. I am totally with you. (Well, no, I knew that losing a limb wasn't a genetic trait, but did recently suggest bringing Lean Cuisines camping and cooking them in their plastic containers over a Coleman stove. I didn't see why that would be a problem.)

Lisa said...

Thanks for the giggle! That was awesome - and so are you for putting it out there!!